

Newcomers is a network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) asylumseekers, refugees and/or for anyone who are new to Sweden or Piteå. We arrange social activities and try to be helpful in any other way we can.

Hello and welcome to RFSL Newcomers Piteå Älvdal.

Coordinator: Malin Bäckström


Phone: +4670-256 42 66 What’s app: +4670-256 42 66

Would you like to work as a volunteer for Newcomers? You are welcome to contact us with or without own experience of asylum seeking.

You can get in contact with us through the contact form or just drop a message to us trough this page.

Newcomers is part of RFSL (The Swedish federation for LGBTQI rights)
It is non-partisan and not affiliated with any religious organization. We have no affiliation with any authorities such as the Migration Board or the municipality.

Use the form below to contact us.
